Belle Tactical

I am a passionate survival, self-defense, and emergency preparedness instructor, dedicated to equipping individuals with life-saving skills. With a mission to make these crucial topics accessible to all, my approach ensures that anyone can comprehend and apply these essential skills. Drawing from my extensive expertise, I present these subjects in an easy, simple manner, breaking down complexities to empower everyone with the knowledge they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. By emphasizing the importance of understanding these skills, I strive to create a safer and more resilient community.

Product is best for:

  • Nurses
  • Females
  • Students
  • Runners

Features of spray

  • Military-grade precision
  • With an impressive reach of up to 18 feet
  • Fazer activates a 125 decibel alarm and blinding lights
  • Fazer spray deploys an invisible dye, which can be used by law enforcement to identify your attacker
  • With automatic location tracking, your emergency contacts will be notified of your whereabouts

Use code TACTICALBELLE15 at checkout page.