3 Tips for Staying Safe in a Dangerous World

Learning to keep yourself safe, whether running errands in your hometown or vacationing in an unfamiliar city, is more important than ever. From keeping your head on a swivel to carrying Fazer Pepper Spray Fog with you, here are three tips for staying safe in a dangerous world.

Always Remain Vigilant

When you’re out jogging or walking from the grocery store to your car on a dark night, it may be tempting to distract yourself from your surroundings by staring at your cell phone screen or listening to music through your earbuds. But these distractions can make you a much easier target for someone with ill intent.

Instead of listening to music or watching YouTube on your phone, try to keep distractions at a minimum when you’re in a potentially compromising situation. You decrease your vulnerability significantly when you stay on a high level of alert. This doesn’t mean you have to be paranoid everywhere you go, but you should be aware of who’s around you at all times (especially if you are going somewhere by yourself).

Carry Fazer Pepper Spray Fog

You don’t have to use lethal force to deter criminals. Fazer Defense pepper spray is a great option for those who want a non-lethal form of personal protection that is quick and easy to use. Fazer Pepper Spray Fog can help you feel confident when you’re on your own because it provides a powerful and highly accurate stream of pepper spray.

Another compelling feature of Fazer Defense spray is that each canister allows you to input the information of up to five emergency contacts. If you’re in an emergency situation, you can send a voice and text message to your contacts with a GPS map pinpointing your precise location.

Learn Some Self-Defense Moves

The final thing you should do to keep yourself safe is to learn a few basic self-defense moves. At a minimum, you should know how to escape a stranglehold and a bear hug. These tips will help you feel safer whenever you’re out alone.